Friday, 10 August 2012

From medicine to fashion

A woman on a mission to promote fashion in South Africa

Dr Precious Moloi-Motsepe

Dr Precious Moloi-Motsepe is a Johannesburg based business woman, who is known for involvement in the South African fashion, which now also includes Africa as a whole. She started as a devoted follower of fashion until she realised that the South African fashion industry need to be developed in order for it to be recognized internationally as well.

She studied medicine at Wits University, where she began her career as a doctor and spent most of her life as a GP (General Practitioner) for a number of public and private hospitals around Johannesburg. Then later on moved to the United States of America, in Virginia and worked at the teenage and women’s health areas at the Medical College. Then when she moved back to South Africa, she opened a Women’s Health Clinic in Johannesburg.

Leaving the medicine practice after 8 years, she decided to head the Motsepe Foundation, which focuses on health and education in poor communities in South Africa.

Moving to fashion

Dr Precious Moloi-Motsepe is the executive chairperson of African Fashion International , which was formally known as luisuewox. Her company owns and hosts South Africa’s fashion weeks, which include the Johannesburg and Cape Town Fashion Weeks. But they moved to greater heights by also hosting the African Fashion Week .
First Lady Thokeka Zuma with Dr Precious Moloi-Motsepe arriving at the JHB Fashion Week

Design by David Tale at JHB Fashion Week

African Fashion International’s mission is to promote and develop South African and African fashion industry and to bring it into the mainstream .
Dr Precious Moloi-Motsepe giving a speech at the AFI conference

Aims to :

·         get and give free publicity for fashion designers
·         expose African designers to global markets
·         and lastly develop small businesses and entrepreneurs within the fashion industry
"African Fashion International brings together fashion designers, media retailers and consumers." says Dr Precious Molio-Motsepe.
This is an example of how promotions in the Public Relations context is done to perfection. Dr Precious Moloi-Motsepe demonstrates how passion and hard work can lead to a successful business that benefits everyone, by creating publicity and promotion all parties involved. May she continue doing the awesome job as we are very proud of her.


  1. What makes proud of Motsepes is that they know how to manage their affairs you hardly hera bad publicity about them or their organizations unlike other prominent leaders who ever who is managing their affairs deserves a warm round of applause

    1. They know how to separate family and busines, they do not let their own affairs get in the way of the busines dealings. thats what makes them successful.

  2. Proud of her indeed. She is one of the amazing and talented role models for a lot of women out there. She really knows how to sustain a good image and ofcause not forgetting that life is about growing and reinveinting yourself.Big ups to her and her hard work.

    1. Yes this is the platform where we actually celebrate the women in South Africa that are changing our societies and creating a better environment for all, indeed we are very proud of her.

  3. i am very proud of her she is doing a lot for South Africa.what i like about her family is that they know how to separate business and pleasure ,its rare to find bad publicity about them.

    1. Yes they inspire all of us to be able to separate the two things in life, which is family and business.

  4. a real multitalented lady who originates from south africa ,how more proud can we be

    1. Yes, we need to celebrate such extraodinary people as the truely make a difference.

  5. I must say wow because for some people the things they do you can really tell from a distance that they do them out of passion and love and that it is really a calling.

    1. I totally agree with you, if you are passionate about something, you will do it to the best of your ability and your hard work will pay off.

  6. am inspired hey wow.....its true that a person should follow they heart and do something that they passionate about.
